HeartScan Australia is committed to ensuring that our patients and community continue to receive the highest standard of health care they require whilst following the recommendations set out by NSW Health and the Australian Government during the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 continues to affect the Australian population and the national response changes almost daily. As your health professionals, we are required to adapt to any changing regulations to ensure that our patients are receiving safe and low-risk care. However, please note that Medscan Merrylands remains open, and we have taken measures to ensure that we continue to provide the best and most attentive service to our patients.
Patients who have symptoms including fever, respiratory symptoms such as cough and sore throat, or have been in contact with confirmed COVID-19 patients will likely be denied access to ensure the safety of our facility, its staff and other patients which often includes the elderly and immunosuppressed. Our process is monitored and assessed by our radiologists on site and constantly changing depending on NSW Health guidelines.
In some cases, patients may be asked to wait outside to maintain safe social distancing in our practices.
We have handwashing and hand sanitising stations as well as mask available at entry.
Every practice has personal protective equipment for our staff to limit any risk of transmission of the virus.
Keeping a safe distance from our staff & maintaining confidentiality.
We must continue to do identity screening on all our patients. Please ensure you are following the recommendations at your practice to ensure you are staying a safe distance away from patients who may need to disclose personal information for their privacy and confidentiality.
To ensure that we follow the social distancing recommendations, if you have children who are coming in for care or will be attending with you, we advise that one parent or carer can be in attendance with one child.
Please ensure that you have another carer or parent in attendance with any other child as the whole family may not be allowed to enter the practice together due to the risk of transmission of COVID-19.
Radiology Practices are required to follow the distancing rules, and overcrowding consultation rooms are not safe for our patients or our staff. If you are unable to follow this advice, please call and speak to our staff for an alternative option.
Please be aware that all children as well as parents and carers who present with children are required to be screened.
Medscan Merrylands strongly recommends that patients follow the information updates and advice from the Australian Government, and the Health Department.